Women4IT courses started in Romania in August 2020 and ended in July 2021.
It was a year in which the recruitments for the candidates were on fire, and the enrollments for courses were the same. We are glad that we had such a great impact on the aspirants for digital careers, and we are even happier that we managed to help 110 young women to develop their technical and digital skills and to pursue careers in the digital field.
In total, 444 young women up to 30 years old, from all over Romania, registered on the profiling platform developed within the project for the Romanian public, accessible here: https://digitaljobs.women4it.eu/ro
A total of 217 young women took the Digital Skills test, still available on the platform, and 216 young women took the personalized quizzes on the 4 job profiles available on the platform.
From the 4 profiles of piloted digital jobs, namely: Project Administrator, Junior Web Developer, Tester and Customer Support Representative, we conclude that the Tester profile was the most successful, with two groups of 20 and 19 graduates each, following the registration of 114 people.
In second place in terms of popularity, was the profile of Customer Support Representative who had 31 graduates, followed by Junior Web Developer who graduated 20 young women, and last place goes to the Project Administrator profile with 20 graduates.
The courses took place in turn, and were held in an online format, due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Those who started piloting the Women4IT project in Romania were the students from the first group of the Software Tester course. The course began in November 2020 and ended in February 2021.
And the second group enrolled in the same course started a month later, in December 2020 and graduated in March 2021.
Immediately after them, also at the beginning of November 2020, the students from the Web Development course started training, and graduated the course in April 2021. At the end of November, young women enrolled in the Project Manager course, started training, and ended in February 2021.
During Spring, in May 2021, we also launched the Customer Support Representative course where 31 young women enrolled and graduated on June 21, 2021. During the courses, the girls received support from IT School trainers but also mentoring provided by the EOS Foundation.
Following the courses, we asked the students to go through and complete two surveys on the support of the courses and later on the situation of their employability.
As collective feedback, it turned out that the mentoring sessions were very welcome, they received encouragement and support when they needed, on various topics related to applying CVs to jobs, presenting at interviews and various other questions and concerns that they had along the way.
The IT School trainers were praised for their effectiveness and the release of the atmosphere during the classes, which, although they took place online, it was not felt, and the girls forged connections with both their colleagues and the trainers.
Congratulations in this way, to the students, first of all, for the courage and openness to a more digital world than before, because the Covid 19 pandemic forced us all to become at least one gram more digital, to trainers and mentors, and lastly but not least, to the entire team that worked behind the curtain and made this project possible for young women who want to develop their careers in a future direction, in the field of tech and ICT.